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August 7, 2015

Hostess Gift Set

Ebrush Design Team: Yolie Burke Week 8 Cycle 2

Happy Friday this is Yolie from Team eBrush.  New month, new sponsor.  This month we are sponsored by Kadoodle Bug Designs.  They specialize in SVG files, cutting files for your electronic die cutting machines. GIVEAWAY ALERT! $25.00 Gift Certificate for Kadoodle Bug Designs!  Make sure to comment on this post , ALSO  like FB pages : Craftwell and Kadoodle Bug Designs

I used the coffee cup from the Cafe Coffee Girls to decorated the gift box that holds four KCups.  It's the perfect hostess gift.   I gathered up some fun older paper from my stash and used Sharpies; brown, green and not pictured grey, to alter my project.

When I eBrushed the bottom of the box, I wanted to mute the green color, so I first used the green Sharpie followed by the brown along the edges.  For the top, I only used the brown Sharpie to eBrush the edges and then sprayed the center and sides on the low setting. keeping the wand approximately 4 inches away from the paper to slightly mute the cream color.
{Please note the box is not included in the Cafe Coffee Girls collection.}

I used pop dots to add dimension and also popped up the "cafe" and added jute for a bit organic feel.

Here's a closer look of the hostess coffee gift set.
I hope my project inspires to alter the look of your projects with the help of the eBrush.  Bring out the stash of paper and start altering, give it a different vibe.

Thank you for stopping by today and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Great E-Brushing!! and the paper kind of says to me with all the numbers on it "Anytime is a great time for coffee!" TFS!!

    1. Totally agree! Thanks for commenting and good luck!

  2. Awesome project. Love that mug from KaDoodle Bug Designs and a new idea on how to use it.

    1. Glad to read I have inspired you. Thanks for commenting and good luck.

  3. Love this coffee box!! That coffee cup is so darn cute!

  4. Such a cute gift ..... great job on the shading :-)

    1. Thank you Dawn for commenting and good luck!

  5. Love it!! I'm new to the craft world and love seeing things that everyone is making

    1. Welcome Minnie to this amazing Craft World! Looking forward in seeing your creations. Thanks for commenting and good luck.

  6. I would love to get this as a gift myself...this is something I could see myself giving to friends alot. Great job

    1. This was a gift for my sister and she loved it. I'm sure your friends would love to receive it too, especially with the holidays approaching. Thanks for commenting and good luck.

  7. Such a wonderful gift!! Love coffee! Awesome job!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting With Creative M

    1. Thank you Millie for commenting and good luck!

  8. Such a great gift box! Love the rustic feel to it, TFS Yolie!


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