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March 7, 2012

Design Team: Lyssa Zimmerman Week 9 Term 2

Lyssa Zimmerman's Family Home Evening Chart

We just love trash to treasure re-do's! And today, Lyssa Zimmerman did just that! She upcycled an old frame into a functional family activity board!

Check it out:
Don't you love when a project that you have in your mind goes according to plan and it turns out better than you thought?Let me introduce you to what i'm talking about...

This is our family's Family Home Evening magnet board. Each week, we get together as a family and do activities, treats, and a lesson. It's a wonderful way to bond as a family. My kids love it and look forward to Monday's. I'll go into details later, but let's see how this baby was born.

Materials Used:

eCraft machine Fundamentals 1 SD
CutMates cardstock paper
Shrink and Bake paper
Patterned Paper by My Mind's Eye
Alpha mini Stamps from Hobby Lobby
Modge Podge

I started with this. It's a large print inside a wooden frame. I got this for free!

Next, I grabbed some metal sheets I got from Home Depot and hot glued them onto the large mounted print that I popped out of the wooden frame.

Next, I grabbed some paper and started the design process. I added some cut outs from the Fundamentals SD card.

Then I cut out a few more and started grafting some branches in. I used Modge Podge to get everything set.

After a hard night's work, my design was finally done!  I used some journaling spots from Joann's dollar spot for the labels. Cut out some letters for my title.

 LOTS of leaves as well :)
See, each week, each person in the family will be in charge of spot: Song, Treats, Game, Prayer  Lesson.

So I used my Bake  & Shrink to make everyone's individual name tags. I cut out adorable animal shapes from both SD cards and colored with markers.

Followed the instructions and got some wonderful name tags

So I put on some magnets on the back
Now we can alternate each week!

Here's my Kate helping me show off my latest creation :)

Then I put back into the frame

Now it's on the wall, for all to see! The kids are really excited to see what they get to do each week.

And what's fun is that they can play with the animals and board too! I am probably going to make some more creatures for them to play with.

Do you like to do DIY redos? I think i'm addicted!


Thank you Lyssa for this wonderful tutorial! Isn't that transformation amazing?! What are your favorite details? Comment below!

And visit Lyssa's personal blog for more amazing crafts!


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