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March 23, 2012

Design Team: Jennifer McCrae Week 11 Term 2

Baby Love

You are all in for a treat! Jennifer is known for her fanous exploding boxes, and today, she will be sharing her how -to with you! And the best part? This project was inspired by a special little someone! Read on...

For My Brother and his son Jackson...

"You're Gonna Be (Always Loved By Me)"

6lbs and 9oz. lookin' up at me
Like I have all the answers
I hope I have the ones you need
I've never really done this, now I know what scared is

Sometimes I'll protect you from everything that's wrong
Other times I'll let you just find out on your own
But that's when you'll be growin',
And the whole time I'll be knowin

You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay
Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there
You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be

I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through
some of my mistakes
Lord knows I'll be trying OH to give you what it takes
What it takes to know the difference
Between getting by and livin'

‘Cause anything worth doing is worth doing all the way
Just know you'll have to live with all
the choices that you make
So make sure you're always givin' way
more than you're takin'


Someone's everything
You're gonna see
Just what you are to me

You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be
Always loved by me
-Reba McIntire

Jackson was a long time coming...but he’s so worth the wait!

This is one of my infamous exploding boxes...  The only reason I say it’s infamous is because this box is my #1 requested item.  Its also how I earned my eCraft - so to say that these boxes are special to me, is an understatement.

Yes, I’m sure you seen these types before...but I doubt you’ve seen anything like some of mine (I’ll add pictures of other ones at a later date).  Each one is unique and caters specifically to the recipient...

Since each one is so different, I’m going to give you ‘basic’ supplies you’ll need.

eCraftshop Pro
good quality cardstock - My ‘go-to’ paper of choice is eCraft Diecutable Card Stock.
Coordinating pattern paper
Shrink n’ Bake paper - the stuff is awesome for creating little goodies that really POP!
Foam squares
Scotch ATG
Score Board

The rest depends on you and where this box takes you...  One thing that I did find that was a total lightbulb moment - printing phrases on vellum.  Why I hadn’t thought about doing this before is beyond me!  lol  But you can bet that I won’t be handing over anymore money for the store bought more hunting for ones that have just the right quote or one with the print in the direction or size that I need it.  Oh the freedom!  :)

The sign, the baby, the feet and the rattle are all made with Bake n Shrink - I told you that stuff was cool!!!

Exploding Box Card

Three or four 12”x12” sheets of cardstock (1 for each layer in the box).
Extra cardstock or decorative papers to decorate the tabs.
Embellishments, quotes, stickers and other decorative items for the sides of the box and inner tabs.
Outer Box:
Using your score board, put one 12”x12” piece of cardstock in place, score at 4” and at 8”, turn the sheet and repeat. Cut out the corners.  Round the corners, unless you prefer them straight.

Middle Box:
Take another piece of cardstock and trim it down to a 10”x10” square.  Using the score board, score the sheet at 3 5/8 and at 6 3/8.  Turn the sheet and repeat.  Cut out the corners.

Inner Box:

Take another piece of cardstock and trim it down to 7 1/2”x7 1/2”.  Using the score board, score the paper at 2 7/8 and at 4 5/8, turn and repeat.  Cut out the corners.


Fold all score lines, completely...this will help the box to lay nicely when the lid is removed.

The Lid:

Take another piece of cardstock and trim it down to 6”x6”.  Depending on how snug you want your lid; use your score board and score the sheet at 1”; turn the sheet and repeat until you have a score line on all 4 sides.  Cut the top 2 and bottom 2 score lines ONLY, do not remove the corners.  Fold along the score lines and glue the corner tabs to complete the lid.


Assembling the Box:

Be sure to decorate the pieces first before assembling the box, its much easier that way.  Don’t forget to decorate the lid as well...  To assemble the box, turn each inner box 45o and glue it to the layer below it (I used double sided tape).

To make a Bow:

Take a piece of 12”x6” decorative paper, cut 8 - 1”x6” strips of paper, turn the sheet and cut 1 - 1”x4” strip of paper.  Turn the sheet once more and cut 4 - 1”x5” strips of paper.  Take the shortest strip and glue it into a circle.  Take the remaining 12 strips of paper, turn them and glue then ends.  Hole punch the ends of each turned piece and 1 side of the circle.  Use a long brad to assemble the bow, starting with the loop, the 4 smaller ‘petals’ and then the 8 larger petals.

*I punched a hole in the center of the lid and used the brad to attach the bow, then gluing a square of decorative paper to cover the brad.

And POOF, you have just made an exploding gift-box card! 

Please note - these are my instructions that I created, please do not post them or share them or claim them as your own.  Life is sweeter when we all play nice in the sandbox.


WOW!! this project is amazing! Jenn is on a roll with baby projects! and how can she not?! Her nephew is an inspiration!!!

See more of Jenn's creations on her personal blog:

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