March 11, 2013

Design Team: Denise O'Connor Week 10 Term 5

Hi Cutie!
Happy Spring Break! We are so inspired by Spring with Lawn Fawn products! See what Denise O'Connor created today!
Hi everyone!!! Today, I have more Lawn Fawn goodness coming your way with a Puzzle Card! Now, I have to say that I honestly don’t think I have ever seen this before, but that doesn’t mean that someone has not done this before me. Today I am going to show you how I did it so that you can run out and get some of these amazing Lawn Fawn dies, stamps, and paper and do exactly what I did. First, let me show you the final results.
When I was thinking of this project, I definitely had kids on the brain. Both of my sons love puzzles, but my youngest Mason, is incredible with them. I love to watch him put together puzzles and one day while I was watching him, I was trying to remember his first puzzle. That is when the idea for this card hit me. So let’s get this show on the road. First, you want to pick your foreground paper and your background paper. Then you want to take a thin sheet of chipboard and adhere it to the back of your foreground paper.
Make sure that the chipboard is thin enough to be cut with your Lawn Fawn dies and your eBosser. For my project, I am using the Lawn Fawn Home Sweet Home stamp set with coordinating dies along with the gorgeous Daphne’s Closet paper pack. Next step is to arrange your stamps on an acrylic block.
Once you have them in place, stamp them onto your foreground paper and your background paper without changing the placement of the stamps in between.
After that, you will line up the dies with your stamped images. This is a big reason why I like Lawn Fawn for this project because the opening in their dies line up perfectly with the stamped image, so you can really see where it is going to cut. Once you have the dies lined up, you will use a little piece of tape to hold them in place. Since I am going to use both the positive and the negative pieces, I had the tape adhere to the paper on the inside of the dies. The reason for this is that if the paper tore when I removed the tape, since I was decorating those pieces, I knew that I would have a good chance of being able to cover it up. I also figured that if I had to re-cut one of the pieces, would not be a big problem and cutting one piece would save me some waste as opposed to cutting the whole background again. As it turned out, I did have a couple of small blemishes from removing the tape, but my instinct was right and I was able to hide them with the decorations.
After decorating the puzzle pieces, I then took out my trusty hole punch and I punched a small notch into the side of each opening of the background.

I then lined the foreground on top of the background paper that I had stamped earlier and adhered it in place.
I trimmed out the background paper with my Xacto knife and finished up my card.
I am very happy with how it turned out and Lawn Fawn’s products are just perfect for a project like this! Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and be sure to come back everyday this week to see what the rest of Craftwell’s Design Team have in store for you!
Denise O'Connor

Thank you Denise! Be sure to visit Denise's blog for more crafty inspiration!

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