December 1, 2016

December Sponsor Reveal: Dixie Belle Paint


We are thrilled to be spoiled..err..sponsored by Dixie Belle Paint for the month of December! Our design team will be featuring this incredible paint in their upcoming projects, though you may have seen a few sneak peaks in the past few days on the blog thus far!

Why is this paint so fascinating for us? Sure, it is paint, right? NO! Well, yes... but it is SO MUCH MORE!

Dixie Belle Chalk Paint has extremely adhesive qualities.  What does this mean for you: no sanding or priming needed, and it works on a wide range of surfaces such as wood, metal, glass, laminate, ceramic and even fabric.  It comes in 42 colors, so there is something for everyone....every project... every day of the week.

Best of all? It is compatible with the eBrush and the eBrush Siphon Attachment. Stay tuned this month to learn exactly how.

In the meantime, feel free to stop by the Dixie Belle Paint Facebook page and offer them some love here, or swing by their website here for more information

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