September 28, 2016

Design Team Favorites, Part 2

As this cycle of our design team comes to an end, we were feeling nostalgic! Each designer has been such an incredible asset to the Craftwell blog with their projects and inspiration. Today, we honor and thank Pam Bray and Jan Hunter. Thank you ladies for your incredible additions to the crafting world.

Pam Bray
Take a look at one of our favorite projects from this talented woman. What a treat to be able to see her work on a weekly basis over the past several months!

See the original post & step-by-step post here:

Jan Hunter
This woman never ceases to amaze us! Stay tuned on the Craftwell blog, because we might be spoiled by future posts with this talented designer!

See the original post & step-by-step post here:


  1. SO neat aunt Jan!!!! You always inspire me!!! Way to go!

  2. SO neat aunt Jan!!!! You always inspire me!!! Way to go!
