December 30, 2013

Guest Blogger: Yvonne Blair Week 13 Cycle 8

iPad Stand

Happy Monday! Today we have an amazingly creative project by the wonderful Yvonne Blair of the Teresa Collins Design Team!

See her project below, then click on the link to visit her blog and get all the details on how you can create your own stand!

Ready to make your own stand? Then head over to Yvonne's blog!  for all the details!

And be sure to follow her on the Teresa Collins Design Team Blog here:

And become a follower of her personal blog here: 

What do you think of her project?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I have seen this before I went and buy my last Ipad cover ;? I hope to visit more often on the upcoming year. Wishing you and all the Craftwell family a Happy and prosper new year!
    Liz O.
