November 21, 2013

Design Team: Debi Tullier Week 7 Cycle 8

Fun with Cheery Lynn Dies

Part 1

Debi has a two part project today, and we can tell is gonna be good! See her post below!

This is a two part project post as it requires a little more to give non-sewers options to make the finished product. I don’t want to spoil the reveal so I will tell you the method and techniques I used for the parts I made this week. You have to come back next week to see what the final project is…

I am so excited to do this so


Well you can see by the photo that this is a recycling project and I will also share that it is a fabric project too! I am making another of those cool Steampunk items for my crazy relative. I decided to make my gift a super neat kind to the environment recycled project. I am using a two-liter soda bottle to make my special rings.

So here is the supply list:

a two liter soda bottle with the top and bottom cut off
I used a rubber band to roll the plastic very tight and left like this for several days.
Aluminum duct tape
Cheery Lyn Gear Die (LOVE THIS ONE)

Craftwell eBosser
A, B, C, D
Masking tape to transfer the tape to the plastic
A bone folder to smooth the tape
I first cut the Gear Die out of the aluminum tape . I love the sharp cut I get using the Craftwell eBosser.  I then place the masking tape over the metal tape after I weeded the unwanted parts off of the piece.
I cut the plastic from the two liter bottle to the size I wanted very close the the size of the aluminum tape’s width. I next transferred the design to the plastic. I used the bone folder to rub the design onto the plastic to secure it.
Now it is still a mystery project until the reveal next week but if you look closely you can see a special hint in the photo. There may be a pressing of fabric around. I am so excited and can’t wait to show you the second half. So while you wait can you venture a guess as to what I am making? Please leave a comment below for me! Have a great week and get ready for the second part next week.


We can't wait for the reveal! Thanks Debi!

See more of Debi's projects here:

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