October 19, 2012

eBosser Designers Wanted!

eBosser Guest Designer Call
We know how talented our eBosser lovers are, and now we would love to help you show off your eBosser creations!
Be the guest of honor on the Craftwell blog! 
To apply for a Guest Designer Spot you will need to check off our requirements list below! 
  • Must own an eBosser
  • Must be able to take picture of projects in a professional & well lit manner.
  • Must have an active blog, or be open to create one.
  • The ability to have fun!
So what does this mean, exactly?  As a Guest Designer, your will receive a dedicated post showing off and featuring your amazing talents, as well as a link to your blog.  Talk about exposure and major project love!

Ready to apply? Send your compleated projects pictures to designteam@craftwellusa.com. Designers applying for a spot may also be considered for a permanent position on our official Craftwell Design Team!


  1. I am dying to get mine so I can apply!! Is ther a due date to apply? Thanks dor the chance!

  2. So, I've perused this blog and I'm wondering... Why aren't there any posts about the eCraft cutter. Only about the eBosser, which looks really cool but I don't think it's something I'd invest in. Funds are limited and I'm still not very happy with the purchase of the eCraft. I'll be coming to this blog a bit more because I'd love to see other others and more video tutorials. But honestly, I'd like to see them for what I have, not for what I don't. So an equal mix would be appreciated.

    I don't want to come off as negative. I really don't. I bought an eCraft on recommendation. I'm not happy with it, but it's what I have now so I have to make it work for me. So I really do wish for your assistance.


  3. Hi Melissa,

    The eBosser was released in late July of this year, and many new users are requesting to see projects being done with the eBosser so they get the most out of their new machine. If you look back click back to older posts you can see videos, and many projects created with the eCraft! Also, you can drop a comment onto our forums on our website, so you interact with other eCrafters and get some helpful tips & tricks!

    Team Craftwell

  4. @UnikeByYes,

    We will take applications until Dec 1st! You will be able to apply!

    Team Craftwell

  5. Just wondering if it's normal to get imprints in your ( A ) plate when die cutting. I followed the diagram in brochure.Will we be able to replace any damaged plates in the future.

  6. @karen Looney,

    Yes, it is compleately normal for that to happen. We recommend you flip the A plate so it doesn't warp. The A plate is made for a lot of wear and tear, and it will not affect the outcome of the cut or emboss, but we will be selling additional A plates soon, for those that would like to replace them.

    Team Craftwell

  7. I love my Ebosser, but have not been able to find anyplace that sells the replacement plates or the new folders? Please advise when and where?

  8. The replacement plates & embossing folders will be sold at retailers such as Joann's, or the retailer you ordered your machine from. This should be available in the next 2 weeks.

    Team Craftwell

  9. I have had my Ebosser for 2 weeks and LOVE IT. I have been very happy with the Cuttlebug for years but back in June I decided to purchase the Grand Calibre. What a mistake! after using it 7 times the handle broke.Which is a big fault with them. That is when I had the chance to buy my Ebosser. I have used it for at least 4 hours a time every day. It is strong, looks good, doesn't have to be held down with one hand whilst in use and is so easy to use. I can't wait to be able to buy the new folders. I know thw A plates will last a long time but I would also like to buy a new one to keep in reserve. Congratulations to you all on this Fab machine.If I have to choose between my lovely Hubby and my Ebosser, I'm afraid my Hubby will have to go. Thank goodness he won't read this.
    Love to you all.

  10. I have been loving my ecraft and ebosser - I think I will apply :) Sending my information and projects in shortly ;)
