October 4, 2012

Design Team: Debi Tullier Week 13 Team 4

Adorning Autumn Treasures!
We love Cooler Concepts Shrink Film! It has sooo many uses! Like today's project created by Debi! See how she used Cooler Concepts Shrink Film to create a lovely Fall necklace!
I love autumn and the colors of fall. I had never seen the beautiful changes of the season until I was much older and really could appreciate the beauty found in this season. I thought of a way that would be fun to attempt to capture the beauty of fall in a special way! The first time I saw the beautiful red, yellow, and even purple spotted leaves I ran around like a child filling my basket with them. I found I was unable to keep them from deteriorating. So this way I can mimic their beauty on a very small scale. I only wish I was talented enough to copy exactly their beauty.
Welcome FALL!!!!
I love cutting the Bake N Shrink with my eCraft I set it on a pressure of 7 and no tabs selected. I also cut with out multiple passes. It works very well.
I used my markers and inks before shrinking. After I have worked up my color and then use my Zing Heat Gun to shrink my pieces. Just a note don’t overly darken your pieces because as they shrink they tend to appear darker. I made that mistake and was left with a “burnt” looking leaf. I also punched my holes before shrinking as well.
This is so much fun.
I laid out my pieces as they would go together. I then took some jewelry findings and put my pieces together. I used silver wire to produce the fittings that I felt would best show off my creation.
Next is finding the right model. I happen to live next to two beautiful young women. I was very lucky to have this lovely young lady agree to model for me.
She really thought it was “cool” , and she really made my day!She was happy to hear that I am giving her the necklace as well. I love crafting items that I can share with special people!
I am so lucky! Thank you Sydney!
I hope that you are enjoying the wonderful autumn season. I look forward to seeing you next week with a new project just for you!
Thank you Debi! How cute is that necklace?!
For more of Debi's projects, visit her blog here:

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