September 1, 2012

eCraft Winner!!!

Back to School BLOG HOP WINNER!
Thank you all for joining on this fun blog hop! We hope you enjoyed the inspiration along the way, and maybe added some new 'must read' blogs to your line up!
And now, as a THANK YOU to all of our hoppers & readers we are giving away (1) amazing eCraft!
And the winner of this giveaway is....

Stephanie Rodgers!

Stephanie said: "I'd love to win this machine!"

Congrats Stephanie!

We will be contacting you shortly to get all of your details!

Didn't win this time? No problem! Stay tuned for more giveaways soon!

Team Craftwell

(All winners are picked at random using



  1. Huge congrats, Stephanie!!!
    Thank you Craftwell for an amazing blog hop!!!!

  2. Congrats Stephanie
    I know that you will enjoy it.

  3. CONGRAT"S Stephanie wow Lucky you have a blast with it :)

  4. Thank you everyone! I received it today!

  5. Stephanie,

    We are glad you received it! Have fun!

    Team Craftwell
